Dr. Nan Wise

Why Good Sex Matters

It’s not just a luxury. It’s not just a cherry on top.

Good sex matters.
Orgasms matter.
Pleasure matters.

Take it from a neuroscientist.

Why Good Sex Matters is Amazon #1 Bestseller.
A brain with fireworks in the shape of a brain.

Sex and Fulfillment

Reclaim Your Sex Life...
Reclaim Your Happiness

Sex makes us feel better and not just in the bedroom, but in life.

Those with satisfying sex lives manifest less depression, anxiety, report stronger relationships, and experience more complete sense of happiness & purpose-filled lives.

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About Dr. Nan

Dr. Nan Wise is a neuroscientist, certified sex therapist, board certified clinical hypnotherapist, and certified relationship specialist.


For more than 30 years, Dr. Nan Wise has helped individuals and couples get to the root of their unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and unease.

I’ve always known instinctively that good sex is tied to happiness and bad sex is a likely trigger of unhappiness, and this connection between good sex and happiness.

Year after year, client after client, regardless of how high functioning a person might be in their life, if he or she had an emotional issue, there was always something wrong or missing in their sex lives.

~ Dr. Nan Wise

Smiling person with shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing a blue button-up shirt against a plain background.


Why Good Sex Matters

Are pleasurable experiences important to you? Do you actively prioritize them?

In “Why Good Sex Matters,” you’ll learn how…

A purple smiley face icon on a transparent background.

Accessing our sexual potential make us smarter, happier, and more productive.

A purple heart with stars on a transparent background.

A new understanding of sex can lead to pleasure in ALL aspects of our lives.

A purple outline icon of a human head.

The brain is wired for pleasure, pain, and other CORE emotions


how to have it.


Free Coaching Call with Dr. Nan...When You Buy the Book

For a limited time, Dr. Nan Wise is offering FREE coaching calls to anyone who purchased her book “Why Good Sex Matters”

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Why Good Sex Matters is Amazon #1 Bestseller.

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