Renowned Neuroscientist, Sex Therapist, and Relationship Specialist
Nan Wise is playing a pivotal role in changing our cultural ideas about sex, through her research on the critical ways that pleasure affects our health and happiness, why we’re experiencing less pleasure now more than ever, and how we can discover our sexual potential.
Publication Book Reviews
Kirkus Review
“In this astute debut, neuroscientist and therapist Wise analyzes the connection between mental health and sexual satisfaction and offers tips to improve one’s sex life. Those looking for a more fulfilling sex life will benefit from this smoothly written look at how a person’s mental state can elevate or sabotage their sexual experience.”
Publishers Weekly Review
“A rewarding text steeped in laboratory analysis and thought-provoking, motivating patient-based conclusions. Featuring a harmonious blend of clinical research and relatable instruction, the book will appeal to sexuality specialists and lay readers seeking guidance on matters of achieving pleasure”.
In The News
Dr. Nan Wise featured on the Today Show

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Mental Health

How To Tell If Your Man Is Sexually Frustrated
Is your man showing signs of being sexually frustrated? Does he want it All. The. Time? The simple answer as to why is that they are just plain horny, but the more complete answer is that your man is craving to have his needs met. And not JUST physical needs, but emotional, mental, and maybe even spiritual needs too.
Dr. Nan Wise


Podcast Interviews

Shameless Sex Interview

BBC Interview

Science Vs

Sorry Not Sorry

Sex Out Loud

Sexology - Dr. Moali
Dr. Nan Shares
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